
- I prepare lunch food.

- I read stories on the internet.

- I watch movies.

- I do my homework at the university.



- I clean my house.

- I wash the clothes.

- I listen to music.

- I prepare desserts.

- I read a fantasy book.



- I visit my grandparents.

- I go out with my friends.

- I do my jobs.

- I listen to music.

- I make art drawings.



- I participate in a virtual conference.

- I cook lunch.

- I watch a movie.

- I do exercises.

- I do the dishes.

- I do my virtual jobs.



- I write about my daily life on my blog.

- Drawing in my art notebook.

- I go with my friend to the park to run.

- I watch series on TV.



- I go out with my friends to walk our pets in the park.

- I cook dinner for my whole family.

- I develop my university works.

- I do my virtual conferences.



- I go to the beach with the family.

- I listen to music.

- I watch movies online.

- I cook dinner.

- I prepare desserts of all kinds.

1 comment:

  1. you are a very organized person, go ahead with your goals.



HI!! My name is Rosmeri Falcon. I´m twenty one years old.I´m from Peru.I live in the city of Iquitos.I´m a student of international business...